My name is Suresh Shirasangi and I am working as a Company Secretary in the Private sector. I have completed my Other Degree in Finance. I grew up in a Middle Class, Joint family.
My name is Manju and I am working as a Others in the Private sector. I have completed my Higher Secondary School / High School. I grew up in a Upper Middle Class, mother is resently death
fother all so death
not sisters not bother onely one person in home
My brother is a supervisor with a Higher Secondary Education currently working in private sector in Shivamogga. We come from a middle class, nuclear family background with orthodox values.
My name is Ravitej Tej and I am working as a Supervisor in the Private sector. I have completed my B.Com.. I grew up in a Rich / Affluent class, Nuclear family.
My name is Parasararma Garanyara and I am working as a Manager in the Government sector. I have completed my MLIS. I grew up in a Rich / Affluent class, Nuclear family.